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Sustainability At CTX Lifesciences

Sustainability is inhibited in the culture values at CTX Lifesciences. The goals and vision have been set clear by the management to create an environment for a sustainable approach in all aspect of the business keeping in mind the progress of the plants, people and the planet.

Our approaches for sustainability are categories in three major categories:

Environment, Health & Safety

Corporate Social Responsibility


Environment Health & Safety

Our environmental management system (EMS) is based on the concept of continuous improvement that anchors our environmental stewardship. EMS enables an innovation centric, participatory and locally customizable approach to achieving environmental performance excellence.

The Management of CTX is committed to safeguard the Health, Safety & Environment for all by minimizing adverse effect due to its Manufacturing operations and related services.

  • Our Company is compliance with the standards, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, IQNET Certificate for EMS and Safety and fulfills criteria for GPCB, CPCB, NGT, and MoEF. 
  • We also have a multi-level governance system that enables effective implementation and monitoring of our environment focused initiatives.
  • We continuously monitor and measure our energy, water, Air, land, Hazardous and non-Hazardous waste for usage and efforts are ongoing to improve the consumption parameters and continuous work with Reuse, recycle and at source reduction and also focusing  to industrial operation thus reducing overall fresh water of the industry leading zero liquid discharge and sustainable development.
  • Recognizing the importance of employee involvement in our environmental commitment, we work towards inculcating our values of environmental conservation in our workforce through numerous initiatives.
  • Rain Water Harvesting
  • Environmental Labs to Monitor Waste from Plant.
  • Generate Value-added products from Waste by Recovery & Treatment

Our targets for next three years:

  • Reduction in CO2 Emission by 1.64% , 
  • Reduction in Water Consumption by 28%
  • Reduction in Energy Consumption by 3.52
  • The Company has implemented EHS policy and the Management is committed to continual improvement in HSE by carrying out risk assessment of its activities including proactive safety risk assessment with involvement of its employees and take proactive actions for pollution prevention.
  • The Company comply to all applicable statutory and other requirements pertaining to Occupational Health, Safety and Environment.
  • CTX arranges information seminars, provides training to all employees, contractors other related parties and stakeholders about Occupational Health, Safety & Environment as and when required. On a yearly, basis Safety week is celebrated through the organization to spread awareness about the importance of Safety in all operations. 
  • The HSE Policy, Objectives and Targets, its yearly /quarterly/ monthly performances are reviewed periodically and communicated to our employees & interested parties.
    • Disaster Mockup Drills 
    • Training 
    • Safety Weeks 
    • Process Hazard Analysis 
  • A detailed Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) system is in place for new as well as existing plants. For new plants we have adopted 4 stage analysis methodologies. For existing plants, cyclic PHA system is adopted once in a 3 years from the baseline PHA. We repeat the process of PHA under various instances like a process incident, change management (technology type) more than five times etc. PHA of all identified critical processes is carried out every year. All the types of changes are routed through proper process hazard analysis system.

Corporate Social Responsibility

The company undertakes CSR initiatives through various Channels, with management and employees . The Company empowers all its employees to be socially responsible and participate in the implementation of various CSR programs.

Focus Areas
  • Education and skill development
  • Health and wellness
  • Sanitation
  • Environment
  • Sustainable holistic development
  • Development of Education Institutes. 

CTX collaboration with NGOs, self-help groups, government bodies, and social enterprises to drive a positive change in marginalized and economically and socially disadvantaged sections of society.


“My people are my biggest Assests”

- Jayantibhai Jariwala (Chairman- CTX & Colourtex Group)

Employees are the driver and the superstructure of our corporate organization. CTX growth has been on the forward passion of the growth of our employees. 

Employee welfare is a comprehensive term including various services, facilities and amenities provided to employees for their betterment and personal and professional growth. Our purpose of employee welfare is to improve the life standard of the employees and their family and thereby in a longer run to make them passionate, a positive change driver and responsible citizen.

Welfare includes everything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees and their close ones and is much more over simply the wages. CTX Lifesciences has been successful retain majority of our employees due to the employee welfare and keeping motivated the employees.

CTX Lifesciences employee welfare includes constant improvement of working conditions of factories and offices, maintaining industrial harmony through Infrastructure for health, Transportation, Health insurance for self and their close family, Accidental Insurance, Canteen facilities, education assistance to the family members, loan facilities for house, vehicle, medical treatment and arranging many cultural and educational programmes for the employee and their family members.

CTX Lifesciences rides on their passionate, dedicated to over exceed in performance and synergy of its employees. CTX has always been committed to enhance and share knowledge and leadership quotient through constant Training and development. Development of  appropriate knowledge, favourable attitudes and suitable skills enable employees to perform their assigned duties and task with minimum effort and maximum results. Through Various Training and development programmed we ensure the smooth professional journey for employees. Every employees of CTX is entrusted with motivating assignments, challenging and interesting which test employees’ knowledge. Training and Development are conducting on regular basis to enhance the technical skills, managerial skills, behavioral skills and empowering the employees to take the appropriate and correct decision.